FAQ and The Dutch American Friendship Treaty

“How are you moving to the Netherlands?” we hear you ask. We are using the Dutch American Friendship Treaty or DAFT. This treaty allows for an American citizen to start a business in the Netherlands; providing residency and the spouse an unlimited work visa. The conditions are simple, you must make a substantial investment in your business of €4,500 and not let that account fall below that while on the DAFT. There are some additional costs for applications and other paperwork, but functionally we are able to gain residency in Europe for the cost of putting €4,500 in an account we control.

“What is your business going to be then?” you joyfully yell at your monitor. The current plan is to have Allison move her current role at the animation studio to a contractor position. Allison will be on the DAFT as a freelance 3D artist.

“So what is Brandon going to do?” you exclaim frothing at the mouth. Brandon is going to re-tool toward … something. - lots of ideas here but need to find a path once we land over there 😅